Emerald is reading to us
Calvin is sleeping in his big-boy bed
Zachary got a new tooth
The love........
I know all the other moms out there can understand exactly what I mean......
Yesterday it was as if all 3 of my munchkins grew up in the blink of an eye. No, not grown up driving and going off to college, but moving on to the next stage. As a mom there are many small moments that prove to you that your kids are growing up. You know it's happening--you know they are physically getting bigger, getting smarter, growing up. Then, their pants are shorter, they say something more "grown up", they recognize something you don't expect. Some days there is proof that they are growing up. I am the type of mommy that tries my hardest to not "wish" them older. I try hard to appreciate each and every stage that my children are in. I don't always look forward to them growing up. Not that I don't want them to get older, smarter, more independent--it is just that I know once they pass a stage they won't EVER go back to it. And, that makes me a little sad, happy, too, but mostly a little sad b/c I know my babies are growing up. I know that once they take their first steps, they don't want to be held as much, and once they leave their crib they are free to roam their room (not always a good thing). No, I don't want to keep them babies for forever, but just long enough. They have to spend so much of their lives being "grown up" and their sweet innocence will be broken soon enough on more than one occasion. I just want them to stay little long enough for all of us to enjoy it and to remember it.
So yesterday I had it staring me in the face all day long that my little ones are one more step closer to being grown up. Emerald grabs a book and began sounding out letters. She has been "reading" with us for awhile, but yesterday she grabbed a book we hadn't read in quite some time and sounded out the letters and read "The dog ran". Pretty basic sentence, but she read it all by herself. She is reading now, or at least in the early stages of reading. She loves coloring these days and is doing such a great job staying in the lines and being patient. She makes pictures that actually look like something, and then she signs it with her 4 year old script that used to look more like scribbles but now forms the letters "E M E R A L D" (although the R, A, and D need more help). She goes off to school, and is making friends, and is such a fabulous big sister to both her brothers! Her imagination is so cute to watch and she is in love with princesses and playing dress up. My sweet baby girl is turning out of "baby" and into just a little girl right in front of my eyes. I love you Emerald Rea Pankewich!!
Calvin started sleeping in his toddler bed. I am going to do another post about this, but it is such a big deal it is worthy of mentioning twice! He is growing taller, not fitting into some of his 2T pants any more, and slimming down. His vocabulary is increasing and he is getting a little tougher when it comes to Emerald telling him what to do. I kind of like that he is starting to stand up for himself. I don't always like the fighting, but she was being kind of pushy at times to our sweet little Calvinator. Calvin has been sitting at the big table with us for awhile now and is doing a good job. We have also started working on potty training with him, but again, he isn't all that excited about it. We'll keep at it, but he does seem to understand a little more now. Calvin is a little copy cat and is trying to read, too. He is doing GREAT with his letters and numbers and can identify quite a lot of them. He has also switched to the "spit" toothpaste (I know this is a small thing, but big in his world). Our sweet Calvin is so in love with books and hits up every person that walks in the door to read him a story. He loves working on puzzles and amazes us with his abilities--it is one of the few things that keeps him still and quiet longer than 2 minutes. Calvin can be so calm and sweet with Zachary, and such a funny little creature when playing his goofy self during play time. He is also a great helper when he is focused! Calvin Charles Pankewich I love you so very much!
Yes, on the same day, we discovered Zachary was getting his first tooth! I've noticed he has been more droolly lately, and chewing on everything, but that is a baby for you. He is his typical laid back self and hasn't seemed upset by this at all--way to go Zach! We also used up the last of his 1-2 diapers and moved up to size 2 diapers on the same day. Zachary loves to roll himself all over the place and loves to chew on everything he's not supposed to--dog toys, books, puzzle pieces, shoes, etc. Zach remains such an easy going little guy. He goes with the flow on everything and naps when he can. Poor thing has no schedule at all and is great with that! We are going to a physical therapy (PT) evaluation for him on Thursday and I am anxious to see what they have to say. I have to say, I've kind of appreciated him being this little just a little too much. I really want him to be ok overall, but b/c he doesn't crawl or walk yet, I get to hold him that much longer. He loves to cuddle and we LOVE that about him. It is so easy to smile when that face lights up and his giggle echoes off the walls as he looks with awe at his siblings. Zachary Stanley Pankewich you may be small for now, but we love you bigger than you can ever realize!
Children of mine......don't grow up too fast. This mommy likes to enjoy her time with you for now, as my little ones.
I'm shedding tears of sad joy as I read your post (fondly calling to mind similar reflections from oh so long ago). Yes, the moments are fleeting but they become such precious memories (until your memory also fades) and then they are simply the love you have for your children, no matter what their age. Enjoy those darling little munchkins that I proudly call my grandchildren.
I LOVE your blog! Your children are so beautiful! I also love your playlist! Jameson and I have been jamming to it :)
Your blog is so great. Your children are so beautiful...and handsome! We sure do miss you guys! Hope Mommy and Daddy have very Happy Birthdays!
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