This is Zach these days--rolling all over the place
Zach is working on his sitting skills
Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh.........this lobster is getting me!!
Rocky used to look so big next to me......I'm growing like a weed
How did 9 months pass already? I have 3 children that are growing like weeds and getting older every single day!!! We went to see Dr. Mike yesterday and our little man has officially quadrupled his birth weight! He is weighing in at 15 lb 9 oz, which isn't quite on the growth charts yet. However, his height continues to climb on the growth charts--he is 27 1/2" long and that is in the 10th-25th percentile!! Our long, lean little man taking after his daddy. He got a flu shot while at the docs, but no other shots--yeah!! He is wearing size 1-2 diapers these days, but only for a few more weeks, about out of thoses, and clothing he fits into 6-9 nicely (although 3-6 still fit well for the most part). His hair is really coming in lately, and he is known to be called "spikey hair" by his siblings, as the top hair is kind of long and fluffy just after a bath!
This month has seen a lot of medical issues for Zachary. He has had his surgery, his MRI, shots, a reaction to shots, a visit to the neurosurgeon, a follow-up with the urologist, a reaction to that, which led to a trip to the ER, a visit from PT, and back to the doc for the 9 month well-child check!! Whew.....tired just typing it all! Even amid all that chaos, he has continued to thrive. His biggest skill this month has been him rolling across the room, and the beginning of some army crawling. Look out world, he is a boy on the move! His siblings LOVE this new skill, as they think he is chasing them all the time. Zachary has also started his cereal this week, and is doing pretty well with that. Zach has worked hard at holding his head up better this month, and is now able to spend some fun times in his exersaucer and jumperoo. He still has some work to do with his sitting and standing skills, though........
We had Infant/Toddler back to the house again to re-evaluate him. She was concerned b/c the first eval showed him as being "in the grey zone" and not quite qualified. So, they followed up with some paperwork at 6 months (adjusted) age, which again, showed him as borderline, or "in the grey". She agreed, he is a tough one. He is fine in so many areas, but in the torso, or trunk, he is pretty weak. He is beginning to army crawl, which is great, but can't sit well or put pressure on his legs to stand. She said to follow-up in a month to see how he is doing and we would re-evaluate....again!
When we were at Dr. Mike's he wasn't totally confident in that and doesn't want Zach to fall behind. So, he is having us go to Children's Mercy for an evaluation with their PT/OT department. He doesn't think it would hurt to get a second opinion. He also ordered an x-ray of his hips, as they seemed pretty flexible. Luckily, the x-ray won't require sedation :) So, we will be heading back to our favorite hospital to get more work done on our relatively healthy little man. I honestly don't know what I'd do with a child who really did have serious medical issues! I keep so busy as it would wear me out!! God bless those that do have to work more with their sweet little ones!!
Side note--we got a bill today from Children's Mercy. I don't know if they can keep track of it all! On one sheet yesterday it listed the OR for the surgery (again, I know it was pretty minor), anesthesiologist, follow-up care, and MRI meds. Today's bill had the RX, the MRI, the neurosurg. visit, the ER visit, the urologist follow-up, and something else, I forget. We will be back next Friday for another urologist follow-up (due to his reaction) and will probably get his x-ray done then. Then we go back for PT/OT eval the following week. How many accounts can they have on this little guy???? Again, a thanksgiving prayer........THANK YOU GOD FOR GRANTING US FABULOUS INSURANCE!! WE ARE SO, SO, SO VERY GRATEFUL!!!!!!!!!!
I'll keep you informed as to how the appts go next week. We are actually raising to other fabulously healthy munchkins. I laugh at this comment b/c I feel very, very bad that I haven't been blogging about them much lately!! I love them dearly, and feel like they have been slightly neglected lately. They are busy preparing themselves for Halloween talking every day about candy and costumes. They are also busy pretending, putting puzzles together, playing games, chasing each other, going to dance and school, and constantly entertaining us all! We love our crazy, busy life. It is so hard to imagine that such a short few years ago we were child-less and praying to God to bless us with these treasures! How blessed we are!!!!!!!!
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