photo taken by Angela Speiker

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday to Calvin!

A funny dress up costume from Christmas. It shows how much you like saying, "Argghhh" like a pirate.

The love you have for your siblings is huge! Sometimes, though, you feel a little smothered by your sister.

Books, reading, books, reading, books, reading!! We could read to you all day long. It is the first thing you do when someone comes to visit, bring them a book and beg them to read to you.

Dressing up like a superhero w/ "My Bobo"

A sweet moment at Thanksgiving when we went bowling. You crawled up in mommy's lap and fell asleep--something you NEVER do!
And sometimes you are a little mini-me, copying everything your sassy sister does.

Oh, that look! You sure know how to work those eyes of yours.

One of your favorite things to do, dressing up and wearing mom and dad's shoes.

You look so little here to me.
My future K-Staters!
Celebrating your 2nd birthday
One of my all time favorites. I baked cupcakes for Emerald's bday to take to school. I ran upstairs and came back to find this. You had helped yourself to the cupcakes and seemed to be enjoying yourself.
You have turned into our little Eskimo, loving the snow. This was shortly after you turned 2.
Our first outing to take you fishing. The joy is written all over your face.

Happy, happy 3rd birthday my sweet Calvinator! I can't believe my sweet baby is growing up so fast right before my eyes. Your independence is really shining through lately, and you are proving to us you are no longer our little baby. Some of your favorite things: Bobo!, your big sister, your baby brother, your puppy girl, playing outside, playing Wii, any and all forms of sugar, fruit, pizza, playing with friends and cousins, your train, all sorts of sports, playing hid-and-seek, reading and books, and Dora & Diego. Some of your dislikes: being told what to do, being bossed around by your sister, most forms of meat, most veggies, having to sit still during church, having to clean up, and so much more. There are moments that you are SO incredibly sweet. You give the best hugs when you are in the mood to be still long enough. You share with people better than most 2 year olds. Your vocabulary is incredible. You play with your sister and brother so well. You made a great transition to your big-boy bed. You love to read, and read some more, and read some more. You learn so much more than we give you credit for. There are moments that challenge us like none others. You can really throw a temper-tantrum. You have banged your head on the tile more times than I care to count from those tantrums. You spend a great deal of time in time-out some days. You refuse to eat most foods we offer at dinner, and go to bed hungry many nights. You have a bad pattern of low sleep and increased sugar that leads to a mess of vomit (something we are going to check out with the doc). But then, you give your brother a kiss for no reason. You sing a sweet song that melts my heart. You look at me with those deep brown eyes and I forget how much you've challenged me.
Sometimes I don't think we give you credit for only being 2 (now 3). We have high expectations, and put you on the same level as your sister. I know it's not always fair, and for that we are sorry. We do love you so very much!
It has been almost 3 years since they first called and told us that you would be in our family. You were placed in our arms and looked around with somewhat curious/cautious eyes. You instantly fell in love with your sister and haven't left her side since. This year you became a big brother and have done a fabulous job at your new role. We are so proud of you and the big boy you are becoming. Thank you God for giving us you and thanks to your birthmother for allowing us the opportunity to have you in our lives. Happy birthday to my Calvin. Calv, Calvinator, Brother Bear, Munchkin, Bud, Monster, and sweet, sweet little man! I love you more than you'll ever know my sweet baby boy, for you will always, be my sweet baby boy!Posted by Picasa

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