He looks so sweet and innocent here
This is the "smile" pose I get these days
Always my happy baby
My 3 kids are so adorable!! I just love them all. It is so funny how you can be so in love with an individual person, and completely love someone else, but in a slightly different way.
Emerald started dance class last week, but it didn't pan out that well. Her dance teacher was a no-show. The head guy came in and profusely apologized. There were a lot of sad little girls. One of the moms ran and got some music and did an impromptu dance lesson, which really wasn't that bad. She ended up having fun. She is so in love with school. I am really impressed with how much her skills are developing. She is able to write more of her name, is beginning to work super hard at coloring in the lines, and is really starting to recognize blends w/in words to help her sound out more words. I'd definitely say she's on the right path to reading. She sat in a chair and "read" the entire book to Calvin, and he actually sat there for the whole thing. It was too sweet.
Calvin is growing up right before out eyes. He is getting superb at putting puzzles together, loves playing with his cars, and has an imagination out of this world. He is going to be our little class clown, coming up with funny jokes all the time. We are going to have to work on that stubborn streak in him, or it might send me to early retirement (is that possible?). He has recently moved from the highchair to sitting like a big boy at the table with Emerald. Pretty impressive as messy as he usually is.
Zachary's rash is much, much better. He randomly holds the bottle by himself, but won't hold it for too long. He is all over the place now with his roly-poly self. We are working hard with the other 2 to keep books and small toys up and off the floor. We are still working with him on trying to get him to sit up and constantly hold his head up. Perhaps we will begin cereal this weekend, if something else doesn't come up. I failed to mention that he weighed in at 15 lb this last visit (with clothes on).
We went to the NICU reunion this last weekend. It was so wonderful to see so many cute babies. They are all getting so big. I keep up with several families thru blogs and Facebook, but to actually see them in person was wonderful. Em and Cal had fun with the bounce houses, bird show (including owls, parrots, hawks, etc.), and cake and ice cream. Skip was patient as I visited with so many people. I loved that OPR did that for us NICU families!! What a wonderful hospital!
Also went to lunch with a very adorably pregnant friend, Jenny (Zach's godmother) Friday. Can't wait to meet that new baby in a couple of months. She is 31 weeks, and it is weird to think that is where I was when I had Zach. I didn't want to tell her that, but she asked anyway. I told her she'd be fine and little one would wait until after Halloween!!
Our town has their fall festival this weekend, which should be fun. We are also planning on a trip to the circus with the Hart family, which should be super big fun!! Getting the fall decorations out to decorate the house for one of my favorite seasons, starting to feel the weather changing and the days grow shorter. We cleaned out the garage this weekend (still a work in progress) and sad to admit actually broke the tape on several boxes we packed in Texas 2 years ago!! Wow, amazing what you can find when you finally unpack. We have made quite the "garage sale/craigslist" pile. When you don't use something for 2 years, why hold on to it any longer??
Calvin got a buzz-cut, how handsome (I'll bet Dad got one too). I'm hoping Pop-pop won't pay too much attention to part about the garage sale/craigslist pile. I think he believes we should have a garage sale every other week (I guess he doesn't remember how much work we put into the last one).
Hi, Stephanie! Your kids are just gorgeous! I love reading about your family on your blog. Tell Skip that I think Zach is starting to look like him! God bless your beautiful family. Love, Ann
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