photo taken by Angela Speiker

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Happy Gotcha Day Calvin

The first moments after meeting you

A picture of you before we even met you

Starting to crawl

I have always loved that smile!

We loved your fangs, when you first got your top teeth

Our little golf ball

*courtesy of Artistic Expressions* One of my favorite photos of my older 2

Just b/c you were so stinkin' cute

Hamming it up with your sis Christmas 2008 (probably the last picture of you as the baby of the family)

Meeting your baby brother for the first time. You weren't so sure about him in his bed.

Your 2nd birthday

I have always loved this picture of you, one of my favorites.

The first time daddy took you fishing
ou love playing in the snow

Calvin, happy Gotcha Day (a day late)! 4 years ago you were placed in our arms and forever etched a place in my heart. They say there is a special bond between moms and sons--they are right!

Your story: We had been contacted by 2 other birthmothers before you came along. One was from KC and chose to parent, the other actually lost their little boy just before he was born. It was a sad story. Then, a week before we got you, we were offered 1 year old triplet girls. Imagine, having your 2 year old sister (2 and about 4 days) and getting 3 more GIRLS all within one year of each other! God knew what He was doing by guiding us to the decision of no, because just one week later Kim (our caseworker) called and told us about you. You were 9 weeks old and had stayed with Miss Debbie that entire time (a Gladney transitional care family). Kim told us you might be a little challenging, as Miss Debbie admitted that you were her most difficult baby she had taken care of out of 56! Even hearing this, we knew we wanted you as part of our family. Miss Debbie had called you Greyson Gladney. While we liked the name, Daddy & I loved the name Calvin and it seemed appropriate for you. Kim called mommy on her way in to pick up tickets at the Ballpark in Arlington, home of the Rangers. I had to step out of an important meeting to take the call, but everyone in their office jumped for joy when I shared the news (they were total strangers). Mommy was so nervous to get a boy--I just didn't know what to do with boys, how would he fit in our family? It all worked out!

When Miss Debbie walked in the room, your smile lit up the room. You were a little curious, but didn't hesitate going to me or Daddy at all. Emerald was so excited to meet you. She had brought a special monkey, BoBo, to placement. In the same room we had received Emerald, we were again given a gift too amazing for words--our 2nd miracle! We had gotten the call on a Monday, and gone to Gladney on a gorgeous March Thursday to pick you up. We got to take you home just in time for Easter. The bluebonnets were blooming along the hill at Gladney, and I will always remember your placement day upon seeing the bluebonnets! It was late by the time we got you home, it had been a long & exciting day.

Calvin, you have taught me so much about being a parent. Before actually having children, I was the best parent on the planet! You have taught me that each child does get their own set of rules, their own standards, and comes pre-programmed with their own likes & dislikes. Not in any way, shape, or form do I want you to take this the wrong way, but you were a difficult baby!! You cried non-stop. You demanded attention. You had more (minor) medical problems than your sister, like RSV at 5 months, your childhood migraines, a minor surgical procedure last year, the expensive forumla for your reflux, and several other things. Some of your difficult first year wasn't your fault. Daddy had a major business trip planned the week after we got you, to play at Bandon Dunes. That was hard on me to be alone with a new baby & your 2 year old sister. We decided to put the house on the market and move back to Kansas just 2 months after getting you, that made things more difficult. You were stuck in the middle of our chaos! We finalized your adoption on October 1st, and moved October 18th, 500 miles away, to a new job, a rental house, and a lot of changes. 3 weeks later the entire family fell sick to the nastiest bug I've ever seen--I was too sick to even take care of my own babies. You had to endure another move, as we moved into our new house on your 1st birthday. We stopped moving boxes to sing you happy birthday with your monkey cake. Through all of this you continue to be a sweet little boy for the most part.

As you got older, your sister loved to push you in the stroller (made for baby dolls), hold your hand as you learned to walk, teach you things, hid in forts, and do so much with you. You have looked up to her with admiration, almost all the time, and have begun to display that same level of love for your little brother. You had a harder transition to becoming an older brother as you lost your mom & dad to 6 long weeks of hospital visits, and 1 1/2 years of doctor appointments that were focused on someone other than yourself (and you weren't even 2 yet). In the midst of it all, you show us every day how intelligent you are, how you can crack us all up with your humor, and how stubborn you can be. I predict you will be a salesman of some sort, or maybe a lawyer, as you will not take NO for an answer.

Calvin I love you with all of my heart and soul. Even through the challenges you keep me smiling, you bring out the mama bear when someone isn't pleasant, you are super compassionate to others, you give the best nose kisses on the planet, and I cannot ever imagine my life without you. I was so proud this year when your preschool teacher called me and asked if you could remain in her class next year as a peer model. She described you as "sweet, sincere, compassionate, and fun loving, and I HAVE to have Calvin in my class next year". This made my heart swell with pride. Though you may be a bull in a china shop at times, you have the heart the size of the moon, and you love people with every ounce of it.

My sweet son, you are the light of my life! My Calvinator, I promise to love you always and forever. Happy Gotcha Day!

1 comment:

Mommy P said...

"You have taught me that each child does get their own set of rules, their own standards, and comes pre-programmed with their own likes & dislikes."

A WONDERFUL piece of parenting advice.

Calvin- You are such a sweetheart and my son thinks you are the coolest person in the World.