We've had some weird weather lately. This day was unusual (never seen anything like it) and everything was almost orange. So weird!
The crabs on his outfit are so perfect for Calvin's attitude lately!! :)
These are just some random pictures I had--after church, when Grandma was visiting, and an interesting summer day. We have kept pretty busy around here, as usual. The weather has changed from summer to fall and we play outside a lot!! The temps have only been in the mid 60's or so with a few days trying to get into the 70's. It is gorgeous! The kids are loving the outdoor playtime, we love to have the house open, and Skip is working hard and almost finished with the swingset. I am 16 weeks pregnant now! Feeling much better these days, although I still get a little tired chasing the kids around (isn't that normal, though?). We go in next week for a doc visit, then the next visit will be our sonogram!! We can't wait to see little Lobster showing off. Emers has been super sweet lately trying to talk to Lobster, tickling Lobster, teaching Calvin about being a big brother, etc. She is such a great big sister. I am sure that Calvin will be a good big brother, as long as the baby survives the first year :) I am starting to show a little, especially with the right clothes on. I will have Skip take a pic and post it on here soon. Everyone keeps asking if I've felt him/her move yet, nope, not yet. I do really look forward to that, though, and am super excited for the reminder that there really is someone inside of me. I am also super-oober excited about our trip in a couple of weeks. Skip and I are traveling up to the New Hampshire/Maine area and spending about 4 days alone, away from the daily grind of the Pankewich lifestyle. I am so anxious to get a chance to reconnect with each other, relax, and take a little break from my job. I haven't had a vacation day from my job in about 14 months, so this is due. When you work 24-7 at your job, it is nice to get a little break every once in a while. I am sure I will miss the kiddos the second I leave, and will call often. However, they probably won't even notice we're gone b/c they will be too busy playing with Grandma, and Aunt Heidi & Uncle Jeff. Hopefully the adults in the situation will survive the chaos of my kiddos :)
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