Calvin seemed pretty scared the first time he went down our little slide. Then he decided it was ok. Emerald tried to comfort him. By the end he was climbing up all by himself.
Calvin wearing Emerald's skirt as a hat. Guess who put it on his head? It's great to have a real-life baby doll to dress up.
The kids enjoyed visiting with Grandma and Grandpa.
We are so excited for the spring. Emerald asks me every hour to play outside, go for a walk, or have a picnic outside. I can't seem to keep her in the house these days. She even offers to help Laney go potty outside (nice excuse). Calvin gets so upset if you pick him up after his feet have his the ground outside. He is going to be the child you see in the stores throwing the massive tantrum. Look out for the Calvinator!
On the home front, we are almost there on selling our Texas house. We have some major issues we are trying to tackle, but really, really want to sell the house to this family. Hopefully we will be done with it in a few weeks and be able to breathe a little easier. It is quite stressful trying to keep track of 2 households. Don't think you'll be seeing us as the "vacation home" family any time soon. :)
Calvin's language skills are exploding. He seems to be coming up with new words every day. Emerald has taught him wonderful words like "mine" and "no" and he has surprised us with words like "strawberry" and "snack". It is sweet to see him communicating with us and his big sister.
Emerald is still full of independence. Her favorite thing to do these days is change her clothes "all by myself" about 5 times a day. We never know what we will find her in when we tuck her in each night. One morning it was just her tap shoes and underwear. Too cute!
Skip may be traveling to Tawain next month for a week. I know he will miss us, but I might just miss him a little more. I am spoiled in having such a wonderful husband to come home to us each night. Skip did represent Garmin in the Corporate Challenge golf tourney last weekend. They only chose 2 people from Garmin, so he felt pretty excited. The Corp. Challenge is where all the companies in the KC area get together and compete in a variety of sports. It is lots of fun. I am pretty proud of him. He is playing for our new church/school this week. That will make 3 golf games in a row. Pretty good since he hadn't touched a club since his last day at UST. Hopefully that will keep up.
I am so glad to hear you are selling the house here, I know its been stressfukl for you. When you have a chance send me your new e-mail address, I would love to catch up!
Hey Steph!!
I just love reading and seeing the kids. I miss talking to you also!!
Email me so we can catch up.
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