photo taken by Angela Speiker

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Open air "crib" pics of Zach

I wanted to post some pics of Zach in his open air crib. It's really more like a bassinet. I am loving that he almost appears that he has a double-chin and folds in his little arm now. Pack on that weight little Z man. Strange that my 4 pounder looks big to me already! Haven't been up to the hospital today, so no new news to report yet. Mostly just pics for now.


Anonymous said...

Okay, he really looks like he has chubby cheeks now. What a sweetie! I love his sprinkling of dark hair all over. I thought it would red! I wish I could be there to see him (you too). I miss you guys.



Stephanie said...

He looks so good! What a blessing your family is!