photo taken by Angela Speiker

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

It's a good morning

Note from Cheryl:

Just talked to Walt's neuro surgeon, whose style is to take things step-by-step to avoid overwhelming everyone inv loved. Walt's CT scan this morning looked very good and the doc is pleased. Today's task is to cut back on the sedatives and allow Walt to wake and let us know just where he. Walt is still in the Neuro CCU and pretty much for the next 2 days is only allowed 2 visitors (immediate family only) at a time.

Thank you all for all the prayers and well wishes, and keep praying b/c the road ahead will be a long one.


1 comment:

Jennifer Becker said...


We continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers. I know this road will be long for you all, but know that there are many supporting you! Love heading your way!
