photo taken by Angela Speiker

Monday, November 9, 2009

Dance recital

Emerald and her cheesy grin

Emers and Aubrey, a neighbor down the street and one of Emerald's good friends

All the girls tapping away. If you look in the middle of the pic, you can see Skip's head, holding Zachary.

Emerald's dance teacher. She was so sweet with the kids, and goes to our church.

Emerald was in a dance recital last week. It was pretty basic, 2 dances, and then we watched the big girls dance. She had a lot of fun and we loved watching our little girl show off her skills. We celebrated after by going out for pizza. It was a fun night for everyone. Calvin was so cute seeing his "Gee" up on stage and waving away to her. He's pretty much in awe of that sister of his. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Sarah said...

That girl has a million dollar smile, I LOVE it!! Makes me smile every time I see it!!!