photo taken by Angela Speiker

Friday, May 16, 2008

Independence day is not just in July.

Emerald's big thing these days is dressing herself. Yes, I was one of those crazy people who used to wonder "why would you ever let your child wear such a thing?" Now I understand. We pick our battles with her, and there are too, too many to pick to worry about what she wears around the house. She usually goes through at least 5 sets of pj's each night before finding one that works. Then, she loves wearing dresses, as each one is "just like Cinderella". For those w/o kids, yes, we have tried to stop her. It didn't work. Don't worry we don't let her go out in public in these things.

Calvin is a copy cat extraordinaire. The song I mentioned before, "I wanna be, just like you." fits him to a tee. If his big sis is doing something, he wants to do it, too. Here, we had to help Daddy sweep the floor. It was pretty sweet.

We are supposed to close on the house next week. They are working away replacing our roof as I type. We keep praying it will work out. Skip is going to Taiwan the second week of June. We hate for him to be gone from us, but what a great experience. He will be home in time for Laura & Shane's baby shower that will be hosted at our house. This is awesome, because we were afraid that he'd miss seeing them entirely. It all worked out.

1 comment:

Jeremey and Jessica said...

Loved the title of the blog!!! I just laugh as I read it b/c I go through the same things with Natalie about the pj's and dresses and Zachery with doing it himself. I hear a lot of "No, Mama, me do it!" And it is usually very loud!! I wouldn't trade it for Anything!